I found a great, informative article on organic hair products and how it's healthier for your body. Organichairproducts.co wrote this lenghty, but informative article on how organic hair products are not only great for your hair, but have a huge impact on your body too.
Organic hair products are showing up in stores with increasing popularity these days. People are making the move from the traditional bottle of synthetic chemical shampoo, with all its unhealthy toxins, to healthier products–organic products.
There has been considerable attention on the chemicals found in our regular hair products over the past decade, with experts warning us of the hazards of using these products on a daily basis. Some of us heed the warning because we recognize the danger, while most carry on in ignorance, but what I want to look at is why those who have switched did so, beyond simply the dangers of not jumping ship.
Some of the benefits of going organic in your hair care and body products are that you actually moisturize your scalp and skin and your hair instead of drawing moisture out of them and drying them up. You nourish your body instead of damaging it when you use an organic moisturizer or protect yourself from the sun with an organic sunscreen. Natural oils like coconut oil, hemp oil, and olive oil in organic products put moisture back into your hair and increase the lustre and shine of it, and give your body what it needs to stay healthy and look its best. On the other hand, the popular normal hair products found on store shelves all over the world today contain chemicals like Sodium Lauryl Sulfate (SLS), Polyethylene Glycol, as well as Asbestos and Parabens and and other substances that are toxic to our body, which dries hair up and damages the root, as well as causes the dermis (skin) to dry up and often flake (dandruff, anyone?)
Think about this: why is is that people have dandruff on their head but they typically don’t have any other problem with dry skin on their body nearly as bad, to the point of it flaking off? Right–it’s because they aren’t rubbing that garbage chemical concoction onto any other part of their body on a regular basis! We just do it to our head!…
It’s scary when you think about what is contained in these bottles, the effect it has on our scalp, the fact that we absorb a lot of those chemicals, and consider what our head houses… our brain! Scary indeed!
People who have switched to organic conditioner and shampoo products tend to stay organic after switching because they notice the difference: their hair looks better, feels better, and they feel healthier overall, inside. The benefits go on and on, but these are just some of the main ones.
Overall, using organic hair products represents a significant improvement in the quality of your health, if you consider how often and regularly you use these products. The major health factors in our life have to do with the food we eat, the exercise we get, the sleep we get, and the products we use on our bodies. By selecting organic hair product, you’ll be improving that aspect of your health by a lot and find yourself much better off in the long run. Your body will thank you.
Thanks again for the awesome information! I'll be sure to post more from this blog in up coming posts. That's all on organic hair products today, thanks for checking in!