There is a lot to learn about organic hair products, and just going organic in general. I found this great, short list on reported organic facts.
These facts are nothing to scoff at. Organic foods are just as important as organic hair products. Numerous chemicals are added to our hair products, and some of those additives have the same negative effects as the ones listed above!
If you're not using organic hair products say "no thanks" to standard hair products and the harsh chemicals they include.
- Many fruit and vegetables contain a cocktail of pesticides.
- 60% of what we put on our skin is absorbed into our bodies.
- Some chemicals can remain in our bodies for many years.
- Up to 500 chemicals are routinely used in conventional farming.
- It takes five years for a farm to convert to organic.
- Chemicals such as Lindane and DDT although banned in the UK
- are still used in other countries.
- Lindane and DDT are linked with cancer
- Traces of banned chemicals have been found in imported food.
- Antiboitics used on animals can be absorbed when you eat the meat.
- There has been a 50% rise in soya allergies since the imports of GM soya started.
(Thanks A Lot of Organics)
These facts are nothing to scoff at. Organic foods are just as important as organic hair products. Numerous chemicals are added to our hair products, and some of those additives have the same negative effects as the ones listed above!
If you're not using organic hair products say "no thanks" to standard hair products and the harsh chemicals they include.
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