Monday, November 29, 2010

Organic Hair Products - The truth about ingredients

There are so many reason's organic hair products are important to integrate into your daily life. I can across this awesome information on the truth about non-organic hair products. The couple stats mentioned are shocking. I hope you find this interesting as well.

Did you know that over 80% of all beauty products, and over 93% of all hair care products available today are made with Black List™ ingredients?*

The simple truth is that many beauty products are advertised as natural or organic when their ingredients are far from it. Many companies produce these “so-called” natural or organic  products by adding a few herbal extracts to a synthetic soup of polymers (plastics), silicones, petroleum (and its derivatives), artificial fragrances and colors, and other potentially harmful substances. They then market the product by focusing on the few clean ingredients, while disregarding the rest, hoping the consumer will do the same. The public is becoming more aware of this unethical marketing strategy (often called “greenwashing”), but unfortunately the practice is still widespread.


I got this info from an internet retailer, They are SERIOUS about organic hair products. You should check it out if you have a chance. They hold organic hair products to a higher standard. I really enjoyed looking through all the information they have on their site. I'll most likely be posting more organic hair product info I find from their site over time.


Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Does hair brush type effect the condition of your curls?

I know this isn't organic hair products related but it is relevant to hair health, which is an underlying focus of this blog. I found this great post on how choosing the correct hair brush can impact the look and feel of curly hair. This curly hair product advice is sure to get your locks looking luscious.

How the correct choice of a brush can keep your curls in fine condition?

The brushes that you are going to choose can have a major impact on the health, look and feel of your curly hair. While looking to get a brush, you will find out that there are several styles and types of them.

Each one is designed to fulfill a specific purpose. It is important to understand what type and size of brush you require. The correct choice sure can help keep your curls in fine condition sans any damage. Conversely, employing the wrong brush can badly tangle your hair, or break it. Here, we suggest some of the products generally recommended.

Denman classic brush is a popular D4 model. It is considered ideal for brushing conditioner gently (while in the shower) through your tresses to create springing spiral curls! Try it and feel the difference for yourself! It gives perfect grip and maximum control thanks to the famous Denman rubber pad (anti-static in nature). It also works well for the purpose of blowdrying, shaping, polishing and smoothing the hair.

Another popular product in this category is Denman paddle brush. The D83 is ideal for gentle and even grooming as well as straightening. Nylon pins at the end of each bristle set into an air-cushioned and natural rubber pad help penetrate the hair without causing damage. They gently straighten and smooth your curls.


Will this advice make your hair look like this:



Thanks again to for some GREAT advice on how to keep your curly hair looking great. Stay tuned for more info and advice on organic hair products tomorrow!


Thursday, November 18, 2010

Organic Dog Shampoo

Organic hair products - not just for humans.
I read the funniest "testimonial" today at the it went something like this

Eli the Chihuahua
Petograph by Ixiana Hernandez

I have sensitive skin and am prone to allergies, so I have always had to use an oatmeal conditioner prescribed by my vet.   I have never had any luck trying new shampoos and conditioners, and have always switched back to the vet’s conditioner after having reactions to other products.  For the first time ever, my skin felt so good after trying  Royal Pet Club’s Italian Olive Oil Shampoo and Honey and Oatmeal Conditioner that  I have been using them ever since. 

As a model and actor, it is important that my coat is sleek and shiny, and this combination ensures that this is always the case.  I am always getting compliments on the way I smell too!  The best part is the ingredients are organic, so I am assured that my skin is naturally well cared for, without the harsh chemicals that bothered me in the past.  I give Royal Pet Club 10 paws for creating the best fur regimen for dogs on the market!

I mean seriously how freakin cute is that?! lol, love it. I guess we all now know there are more than just people who need organic hair products!

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Facts on Organic Products

There is a lot to learn about organic hair products, and just going organic in general. I found this great, short list on reported organic facts.

  • Many fruit and vegetables contain a cocktail of pesticides.
  • 60% of what we put on our skin is absorbed into our bodies.
  • Some chemicals can remain in our bodies for many years.
  • Up to 500 chemicals are routinely used in conventional farming.
  • It takes five years for a farm to convert to organic.
  • Chemicals such as Lindane and DDT although banned in the UK
  • are still used in other countries.
  • Lindane and DDT are linked with cancer
  • Traces of banned chemicals have been found in imported food.
  • Antiboitics used on animals can be absorbed when you eat the meat.
  • There has been a 50% rise in soya allergies since the imports of GM soya started.

These facts are nothing to scoff at. Organic foods are just as important as organic hair products. Numerous chemicals are added to our hair products, and some of those additives have the same negative effects as the ones listed above!
If you're not using organic hair products say "no thanks" to standard hair products and the harsh chemicals they include.