Monday, December 13, 2010

Organic hair products - Using Aloe Vera in your hair?

Organic hair products can be found right in your home. My aunt has an aloe vera plant in her house and it growes like crazy. It was only a few little sprigs and now it's basically a tree. I was curious what other uses aloe had in addition to treating burns and discovered you can use it in your hair. I went to and found the question "what does aloe do to your hair?" Here is the response:


aloe makes your hair strong , thick and healthly. its also a good moisterizer. its great for the face too and acne. use the white jelly from the aloe and evenly smooth it in a circular motion on your face. let it dry for 15 minutes. then rinse it off. it will close the pores on your face and give your face a glow. trust me my face felt like a baby's bottom.

The info on how it improves your skin was an added bonus. Aloe is really cheap to buy and avaliable everwhere, even wallmart has little aloe plants you can purchase for a couple bucks. I tested the aloe on my hair (fresh aloe, not the green gell stuff you buy in the bottel for sunburn) and the results were good. My hair was softer, and super shiney. In short, Aloe vera makes a great orgranic hair product and is readily avaliable and  inexpensive.

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